Poetry Time

Nancy J moored at Onset, MA
Sister Molly with husband Tim visit in Onset, MA
Onset, MA
Onset, MA
Exploring Onset when dinghy outboard engine was working
Gloucester, MA
Low Tide Yacht Club, Gloucester, MA
Low Tide Yacht Club
Gloucester, MA
At anchor in Gloucester, MA
Gloucester schooner
Fog rolling into Gloucester Harbor
Gloucester Harbor
Fog bound, Gloucester Harbor
Foggy sunset, Gloucester
S/V Windfall in Gloucester, site of our nuptials in 2010
Edward Hopper and his wife spent many summers painting in Gloucester scenes like this
Friend Lisa aboard her S/V Windfall
Cockpit party on Windfall
Gloucester post sunset
Gloucester morning light
Rounding Cape Ann
Cloudscape Portsmouth, NH
Approaching Portland, ME
Happy Captain
Evening Light
Replacing the traveler
Nancy J at friends Corning and Chele's dock, Edgecome, ME
Corning and Chele aboard Nancy J
Reburbished lobster fishing boat, Round Pond, ME
Hog Island, ME
View from Holbrook Island, north Penobscot Bay, ME
Holbrook Island, north Penobscot Bay
Seal Bay, Vinalhaven
Hike from Perry Creek, Vinalhaven, ME
Very close quarters in Perry Creek, Vinalhaven
Rockland, ME Harbor
Maine somewhere
Nancy J on friend Jonathan's mooring, Moshier Island, Casco Bay
Jonathan Morse, Sister Molly, me, Bro-in-law Tim, Captain Kenny, Moshier Island
Looking out of Jonathan Morse's guesthouse, Moshier Island
Relaxing in Jonathan Morse's house, Moshier Island
Rowing to Nancy J, Moshier Island
Moonlight night rowing to Nancy J, Moshier
Approaching Kittery, ME
Bad timing--Cape Cod Canal railroad bridge closed as we approached
Floral explosion, Portsmouth, NH
Plymouth rock a bit worse for wear
Mayflower recreation, Plymouth, MA
Lighthouse Long Island Sound
Captain Kenny rowing again
Begging swan, Port Jefferson, Long Island
Angel Kenny, Port Jefferson, Long Island
Port Jefferson, Long Island
Friends Lou and Jane from Nyack,, NY came to see us in City Island
City Island Yacht Club pier, Bronx, NY
Single-hander sailor, Gene, joined us at the Snug on City Island
Friend Kim came from Manhattan to visit us in City Island
City Island, Bronx, NY
Bad weather at City Island
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Our voyage has taken us up to Massachusetts and Maine and back down through Long Island sound to City Island, a little known part of the Bronx. There have been serene moments coasting soundlessly through calm waters, lively sailing days surfing down waves, and stressful hours navigating blindly through white curtains of fog. We’ve found safe harbors in storms and friends and family for company. How lucky we are to live in this floating world, close to nature witnessing the daily rising and setting of sun and moon.

Tropical Storm Ophelia kept us marooned in City Island for 12 days. Lashed by wind and rain Nancy J bounced and swung to and fro at her mooring. Several friends came to City Island to keep us company. Unable to make it to Baltimore for a scheduled flight to San Diego for Kenny’s daughter Kai-lee’s wedding, we changed flights to depart from LaGuardia. Nancy J will remain at the City Island Yacht Club until our return. Our old sailing buddies, Lou and Jane, have welcomed us into their Nyack, NY home until our flight to San Diego on October 5th. Hopefully the weather will cooperate upon our return and allow us to proceed to the Chesapeake Bay before snowflakes start to fall.

I was inspired to write some haikus to accompany our recent photos after studying my brother-in-law’s book, 36 Ways of Looking at Mount Rainier. In it, Tim Ahern accompanies his 36 paintings featuring Mt. Rainier with haikus describing the scenes.

Sailing Haikus

Block Island to Mattapoisett, Mass
Ciao, forest of masts
Wind comes astern, rock ‘n roll
Dodging regatta

Onset, Mass
Gale forecast spreads fear
Onset harbor warm embrace
Family comes. Joy!

The Canal
Cape Cod Canal–Woosh!
Flying on current to bay
Where have the whales gone?

Gloucester, Mass
Gloucester Fishermen
Lie deep in watery graves
Hopper paints grand homes

Gliding through still seas
Rocky pine scented islands
Golden hour magic

City Island, Bronx — Collective poem by Amy and Kenny
City Island main street
The place where New England and New Yawk meet
Children, dogs, drunks, and mobsters
Shrimp, clams, scallops and lobsters
Local fishermen at the Snug bar boast of their catch
Time to batten down the hatch

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