A Slice of Cruising Life


We sailed back to Florida from the Bahamas without incident and then zipped up the east coast sometimes puttering up the ICW and in good weather venturing into the Atlantic. Arriving in Annapolis in early June, we left Nancy J on a mooring to fly to Illinois and visit the living Nancy J, aka MumZ. At 97, she is in fine health and still good fun. We spent a good deal of time painting together, our favorite new pastime.

Upon our return to Annapolis, Kenny and I moved Nancy J, to Bert Jabin’s Yacht Yard where a new bow pulpit is being constructed to replace the old one that was bent in our nasty little brush with that chartered catamaran in the Bahamas. We’re profiting from our time here to get some other boat jobs done and catch up with friends in the area, though we haven’t managed to see even half of the folks we intended to. If anyone has a method for keeping up with everyone they love, please let me know! I’m failing miserably in this department. Please forgive me.

As soon as Nancy J is ready to sail, we’ll head north for the remainder of summer. Our plan to head to Newfoundland has been shelved as we’re getting such a late start, but we hope to make it at least as far as Nantucket. We’ve never been but are familiar with the vast body of limericks that employ the island’s name. Perhaps we’ll be inspired to write some more…

I shot a wee bit of video toward the end of our Bahamas adventure and heading up the U.S. east coast to the Chesapeake Bay. It’s a brief, raw slice of life as we see it.


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Peggy Reichard
Peggy Reichard
6 months ago

wonderful little synopsis of trip to home waters. such a beautiful life on a sailboat!